GET READY: NJ Statewide Career & Internship Fair
Friday, April 29, 2016 • 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Location: Louis Brown Athletic Center (RAC)
Louis Brown Athletic Center (also known as the RAC or Rutgers Athletic Center)
Livingston Campus, 83 Rockafeller Rd
Piscataway, NJ 08854
“An anticipated group of 160+ employers will network with more than 2,500 students and alumni to discuss full-time, part-time, and internship opportunities from a wide variety of fields. This event is open to Rutgers University students and alumni from all three campuses and academic areas as well as the general public.”
You received an email from Hester Coan this week with a list of employers you might want to research before this next Career Fair. Be prepared to Network, that means be ready to show your knowledge of a company and to talk about your own skills and passions. You can find the full list of employers here.
There are many Employers registered who are offering entry level positions for new graduates, so you will want to have a great resume and elevator pitch prepared.
Come to Drop in Advising (schedule on the Events page) or email me at