The wonderful thing about being in school is that

every semester you start fresh, set new goals and move forward.

Here are a few ways to keep moving forward with the new you:

Assess your skills and strengths while identifying some jobs that might interest you, FREE with

Focus 2

(I’m happy to talk about your results with you during a weekly drop in session)

Free access to trade magazines through the RU Library:

Start reading a trade magazine in the career world you are interest in…this will help you learn new vocabulary and identify issues you can bring up in an interview.

Try out a new job search tool every week -there are so many!

CareerKnight?, CareerShift?, Indeed?, Looksharp?, GoinGlobal?

This year, on February 2 and 3rd

Check out a University Career Services Mega Career Fair


Warning…go early and focus on specific employers.