Newsletter #13 Job Searching Tips to Cope with Stress
by | May 10, 2017 | Newsletter
Job/Internship Hunting is super stressful.
Here are a few tips to remember:
- Don’t go it alone. You have University Career Services and Career Services at SC&I (Dr. Hester Coan) to provide support.
- Create a peer support group (who are also job hunting) who will help keep you energized (watch out for complainers and energy drainers)!
- Spend some time every day exercising, it will help you think, renew your determination, and keep you off the couch.
- CareerKnight has GREAT tools, on the home page check out: Vault, Going Global, and the best tool ever CareerShift. All FREE as an RU alum.
- READ career advice, sometimes you will pick up an idea that will start you thinking about whole new career paths!
- Don’t put yourself in a box! Try new search terms, practice re-branding yourself for each position you apply for, become a flexible storyteller!
- NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK. Whether its online (LinkedIn) or in person at young professional or alumni socials or family parties, always share that you are job searching.
- Send your resume to all your contacts so if they hear of an opportunity they can forward it for you. Lots of people get jobs this way.
- Research potential employers, read company websites (try Marketline through RU Libraries) these skills will impress in an interview!
- KEEP BUSY! Volunteer or work part time while you are searching. The more new people you meet the more likely you will tap into the right network for you.