Join organizations!

Don’t say you are interested, demonstrate your interests!

Employers are looking for engaged and passionate hires.

Show off your skills by managing an event, handling social media, proposing a budget.

Check out all of your options at

See all of the SC&I Student Organizations to join here.

For example:

Want to improve on or showcase your public speaking skills?

Want to be part of a team?

Want to travel to different universities for collegiate speech competitions?

Then we want YOU to JOIN Rutgers University Speech Society

RUSS is opened to ALL MAJORS and no experience is required!

Come learn MORE at our first interest meeting of the year!

When: Wednesday January 25th at 9:00pm

Where: SCI Room 337 (next to Alex Library)

Go to our Facebook page, “Like” it & get more details:

Please feel free to contact RUSS about any questions!


Coach: Dr. Matthew Maddex –
Treasurer: Sophia Zhou –